Hitchcockian Loris
Thursday, Jun. 01, 2006 5:56 p.m.

Sorry for the hiatus. I have, obviously, been busy fighting crime in Gotham City.

That and Manic Miner.

(Well, mainly Manic Miner.)

Today's burning question is: can you get Avian ASBOs? And if not, why not? Because all the birds in our street, if not all the birds in Shiteville, have simultaneously and concertedly just shat on Pa Loris's car. Only Pa Loris's car. No other cars. Just his. Not even (much) on Ma Loris's car, which is right next to it. What, I demand to know, is with that? It is clear and evident victimisation, not to mention deeply, deeply disturbing.

I am going, now, to hide.

Awhile Ago - Whenever

More Lorisings:
Pissed Off Loris - Saturday, Feb. 24, 2007
Swotty Loris - Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007
Mimetic Loris 2006 - Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2006
Psycholoris - Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006
Cunning, Linguistic Loris - Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2006
Awakish ~ Sleeping
Notes ~ Book ~ Mail
Mephit ~ Willipede
