Mimetic Loris 2006
Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2006 1:38 p.m.

1. What Did You Do In 2006 That You've Never Done Before?
Obtained a vocational qualification. Got the sack from a job I wasn�t actively trying to get the sack from. Had more money than I could spend in one afternoon, on a regular basis.
2. Did You Keep Your New Years' Resolutions, and Will You Make More Next Year?
Pah, and Pah!
3 & 4. Did Anyone Close To You Give Birth / Die?
Yes, the latter.
5. What Countries did you Visit?
Belgium. It was great!
6. What Would You Like to Have in 2007 that you Lacked in 2006?
Mephit. The means, motive and opportunity to drive a car.
7. What Date from 2006 Will Remain Etched Upon Your Memory, And Why?
I think my memory is no longer etchable; that or nothing happened on a single date that was significant enough to etch on it. I do not as a rule do dates; I do vague approximations of, like, the right week. That said, the second week of January, when my Nan died.
8. What Was Your Biggest Achievement of the Year?
Not murdering Certain Family Members and burying them under the gazebo.
9. What Was Your Biggest Failure?
Not murdering Certain Family Members and burying them under the gazebo.
10. Did You Suffer Illness Or Injury?
Not really. I didn�t get round to it. I still only have half a wisdom tooth though, bastards.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
A train ticket to Durham. This is good, as it was also the most expensive thing.
12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Actually, not one single bloody person. Isn�t that crap?
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Where shall I start?
14. Where Did Most Of Your Money Go?
Books �n� Beer �n� Hypnotherapy.
15. What Did You Get Really, Really, Really Excited About?
Going to Belgium. Going to Durham. Going to the Hay Winter Festival which, as it happens, I did not actually do. Winning �20 on a quiz machine.
16. What Song(s) Will Always Remind You of 2006?
I Don�t Feel Like Dancing. Chopin�s Pollonaise in A#. The opening credits theme on Civilization IV. You Sacked Me You Bastards And I Hate You All. I made the last one up myself.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i) Happier or sadder?
Once again, Sadder.
ii) Thinner or fatter?
About the same.
iii) Richer or poorer?
Richer, albeit unsustainably.
18. What Do You Wish You'd Done More Of?
Writing. Sleeping. Getting out of the house.
19. What Do You Wish You'd Done Less Of?
20. How Will You Be Spending Christmas?
This Christmas, I will be mostly continuing to eat organic turkey with all the trimmings, then watching Life on Earth on DVD.
21. Did You Fall In Love in 2006?
No more than usual.
22. How Many One Night Stands?
I wouldn�t tell the Internet if I had.
23. What Was Your Favourite TV Programme?
The Late Review, The Natural World, Christine�s Gardens. You have to watch Christine�s Gardens. No, you have to.
24. Do You Hate Anyone Now That You Didn't Hate This Time Last Year?
There�s actually not much room on my hate list for many more people after last year, and I didn�t actually meet enough new people to start on any new fits of loathing and disgust. Oh, there are a few people at the Boy Wizard, actually. Yes, them. They�re very annoying.
25. What Was The Best Book You Read?
War and Peace. Except the end�s crap. Not the ending, the end. The fact that these are in two different places is basically the problem.
26. What Was Your Greatest Musical Discovery?
Monteverdi�s Missa Della Beata Virgine. Sounds angelic.
27. What Did You Want And Get?
Beer �n� Books. An Intermediate Level NVQ in Counselling. Lie-ins, occasionally.
28. What Did You Want And Not Get?
The Obvious. And a smart chocolate brown moleskin suit (synthetic moles, obviously) which looked splendid on the hanger, but turned out to be tailored for people who are the shape of an egg. I am not, alas, the shape of an egg. And I don�t know anyone who is, unless you count the Weebles.
29. What Was Your Favourite Film of This Year?
Happy Feet!
30. What Did You Do On Your Birthday, and How Old Were You?
I had a very, very, very nice lasagne indeed, at a local Italian restaurant with my family. It was lush. It had the perfect pasta/cheese/meat ratio, whereas I find that most lasagnes lack sufficient noodle to provide the right texture. Or any texture, other than bolognase-with-cheese-on-a-single-noodle.
31. What One Thing Would Have Made Your Year Immeasurably More Satisfying?
More Mephit.
32. How Would You Describe Your Personal Fashion Concept in 2005?
33. What Kept You Sane?
Ahahahaha! Good one! Next!
34. Which Celebrity/Public Figure Did You Fancy The Most?
Helen Mirren, duh.
35. What Political Issue Stirred You The Most?
Genocide. Doing it and allowing it to be done.
36. Who Did You Miss?
My Nan, in a strange sort of way because she was often dreadful. But I did. Also Mephit.
37. Who Was The Best New Person You Met?
There are some new people on my Counselling course, many of whom I do not actively despise yet. Will that do?
38. Tell Us A Valuable Lesson You Learned in 2006
You can�t sew your bottom to your elbow (copyright Nan)
39. Quote a Song Lyric Which Sums Up Your Year
Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.

Awhile Ago - Whenever

More Lorisings:
Pissed Off Loris - Saturday, Feb. 24, 2007
Swotty Loris - Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007
Mimetic Loris 2006 - Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2006
Psycholoris - Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006
Cunning, Linguistic Loris - Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2006
Awakish ~ Sleeping
Notes ~ Book ~ Mail
Mephit ~ Willipede
