Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006 1:53 p.m.

Here is a list of things I have learned today by doing "psychological tests" on the internet.

The most important person in my life at the moment is Smurfette. However, my relationship with her only has the durability of jelly.

My problems in life are the size of a giant anteater. My resources for coping with those problems are the size of a pompatus. I tend to cope with problems by buying them a pint of Grolsch and a packet of termites.

My career ambitions are the size of a Wacky Warehouse. My sex-drive, on the other hand, most resembles a red Panda Pop. (At least it is red and not blue.)

My attitude to my brother is that he is a Girl From Mars. And my attitude to my mother is that she was Born in the USA. The Hamsterdance best sums up my relationship with my Dad.

If I were an animal, I would be a mole.

I am probably very unhappy.

Awhile Ago - Whenever

More Lorisings:
Pissed Off Loris - Saturday, Feb. 24, 2007
Swotty Loris - Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007
Mimetic Loris 2006 - Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2006
Psycholoris - Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006
Cunning, Linguistic Loris - Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2006
Awakish ~ Sleeping
Notes ~ Book ~ Mail
Mephit ~ Willipede
